Saturday, November 20, 2010

Scissors, Markers, and Glue, Oh my!

Whew! I just finished my last week of kindergarten. Sorry for no new posts, but when I started teaching all day, I realized very quickly how little time I actually had. I meant to post about kindergarten many times and even had a few titles worked out like:

'Kindergartners say the funniest things' 
"The pilgrims came over on the Cauliflower, right?"

'Kindergartners draw the funniest things' 
in case you did not know that this little boys' pilgrim was a boy, he made sure to add the boy part onto the pants...

'The Chronicles of Crying' - (no, I did not make any of the kindergartners pee their pants like I did in 2nd grade, haha) but kindergarten is hard work for these friends

All in all kindergarten was a wonderful learning experience. It was hard to change my patience level over initially, but God kept reminding me just how patient He is with me. I had to repeat myself many times, but how many times does God feel the same way? My first week, I was amazed at the amount of glue and markers all over my hands and clothes. However, over the course of my 6 weeks, I was able to watch a little boy go from knowing only 1 sound and a few of his letters to knowing 50+ sounds and all of his letters! I watched another student who struggled with writing begin to write sentences and feel successful at sounding out words. Another boy could not write his name and by the 4th week, he finally got it and was eager to show me every time he wrote it. It was these moments that have shown me how rewarding teaching can be. My first 3 weeks I kept thinking, I will never be able to teach kindergarten, they are too baby, they need to much support...boy has that changed. Watching those light bulb moments was so rewarding and if I do end up getting this newly opened kindergarten position, I cannot wait to witness more of these successes. I consider it an honor to teach kindergarten, to tie their shoes, and to be their first positive glimpse into school. I was also surprised at how much God was able to show me each day as I taught. Some of the circumstances these students are in is tragic, but I was able to be a light. The kindergartners definitely grew on me and to my amazement, I miss them dearly. 

God chose to bless me with 2 great teams of teachers that modeled teamwork and dedication to the job. I was fortunate enough for these teachers to even berate the principal and kindergarten teachers at another elementary school and get me an interview for a job. God blessed me with an interview, the peace to get through the interview, and the words to say. I am extremely grateful and give all of the praise to my Father, the God who sees me! What He sees in me, I do not know, but His plan is being revealed to me more and more. Teaching is my passion and whether I get this job or not, I will continue to pursue teaching and the perfect job God has for me.

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