Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Oh how I love (make that loathe) Vistaprint! yeah...another Vistaprint order (but really I think I am done) Ü


  1. I love all the stuff you have made. I might have to steal some of it! Are you paying a lot of money for these things or are you getting them free? I used vista print for my wedding stuff, but that was about it!

  2. Hey Kayla!

    I have paid a total of $70 for all of the things you see on here including my first post about Vistaprint. Keep in mind that most of these items I will use forever and only some I will run out of. Even the ones I will run out of will take a long time to use up. If you go on there is a group called Vistaprint Addicts which you can see when you join. There are always sales that you can click on and certain links will have most items free...the shipping is all I have ever paid for which has been around $30 each time when I ordered a banner and only $10 when I did not. So, if you don't want banners you could save wayyy more money :) Let me know if you want to get started and I can help you work it all out.

  3. Thanks so much. Sorry I just now saw this! I am going to go on and see what I can find!!

  4. I will facebook you a link that gets free shipping...soooo worth it and way smarter than me impatient self :)
